Amazon Prime的2-day free shipping想必對於在美國常在Amazon上購物的人來說真的是相當實用,雖然每年$79的年費並不便宜,但當你習慣之後真的就回不去了。(學生如果使用edu結尾的email申請Amazon student,可享有半年的免費使用以及$39/年的優惠價格續約。請參考官網相關資訊。)
Amazon Student members receive six months of FREE Two-Day Shipping with Amazon Prime on eligible purchases and e-mail alerts for discounts and promotions. Discounts and promotions will be e-mailed to your e-mail account or made available on the Amazon Student membership page at
Amazon Student members will automatically continue receiving FREE Two-Day Shipping with Amazon Prime at a cost of $39 a year when their free period is over with automatic renewal.